My Chronic Life

I live with severe pain and fatigue 24/7 due to my Chronic Pain and Chronic Fatigue. I don’t get out of the house other than for doctors appointments due to it being too painful and difficult.

I am only in my 30’s and have had all these conditions for decades. Every day is a struggle.

I currently visit the doctor every 2 weeks to try to find a pain killer that helps numb the pain a little.
I am currently on Fentanyl (Matrifen) patches and codeine tablets for breakthrough pain but the codeine does nothing and the Fentanyl is not remotely strong enough right now, so when I go to the doctor in the next few days, he will most likely increase the dose as that is what he has been doing every visit since I started last year trying different treatments.
I have tried so many things one dose increase at a time, which brought me to the strong Fentanyl patches I am on now.
I really hope the next strength works as I am really struggling to cope with this pain.

I also have a Tens machine which gets a lot of use but I cannot put the pads on easily myself so I have to get help doing that.

I am exhausted all the time and everything is hard work and fatigues me, plus the pain on top makes everything even harder.

I am currently going through the claiming process for PIP (Personal Independent Payment), to try to get a little more money as technically I should qualify as I cannot walk very far at all without pain and need help in the house to do things. Hopefully when I hear back it is good news fingers crossed!

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