Can’t Keep Awake

Since increasing to 75mcg Fentanyl patches I have noticed I am much more tired. I was tired on the 50mcg but not like this. I slept for over 10 hours, woke up and wanted to sleep again. Ended up falling asleep downstairs a few hours later.

I was super hot for the first few days and sat with a fan all the time. I still get hot if I have to do anything, although today have been freezing cold all day after a hot start. Not sure if it because it is patch change day.

My anxiety is worse also and I really struggle concentrating on things. I have things I should be planning but instead I sit here half asleep all day! I just don’t have the motivation or energy to do anything.

I still have pain although seems better than the 50mcg but I just don’t know what to do.

I really hate being on such a powerful drug, especially when it is the most powerful prescription drug.

I don’t like how I feel right now, I want to feel like I did before Fentanyl but of course with the pain killing effects of the Fentanyl!

I have my doctors telephone appointment Tuesday so I am super anxious and worried about that as he just wanted to keep upping my dose to help the pain even when I said I was a lot more tired.

I did book a cancellation appointment for tomorrow for in person, in case I needed it as my side effects were really bad until the last few days. But maybe best to wait for my telephone appointment on Tuesday so I have given it the full 2 weeks and maybe will find it easier to know what to do.

In an ideal world I would like to come off the drugs completely but the pain used to be so bad I would sit in bed crying as it was the only comfy place so I cannot go back to that.
Least I felt human then, now I feel like a different person.

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