Koala Weighted Blanket Review

I have been interested in weighted blankets for a while after I read so many good things about them, so I was happy when I was sent a Koala weighted blanket to try out!
I used the calculator on their site to choose a size and a weight to suit me. There is a calculator on the website to help you find the best weight and size here.
I received the blanket quickly and was excited to open it. Remember that these are heavy blankets so you may need help moving it initially.

The weighted blanket comes in a cover which is great as that means you can wash it! I did see that some other brands didn’t have a cover, and as they are heavy you can’t always wash them in your machine so a cover for me is a must-have! The blanket ties to the cover with individual ties inside and is closed by a zip.
Their website says that they use a manufacturing process and materials that do not produce an artificial smell and that the blanket should simply smell ‘new’. I can honestly say that is exactly how it smells. It hasn’t got a nasty smell, there is a faint smell but it really is what I would describe as a clean ‘new’ smell which isn’t nasty or obnoxious. This fades after a few hours.

One tip from me before sleeping with it, is to open the zip and check that the ties are tied. I found that 40% were not tied, so it is worth checking to make sure your blanket keeps in place with the cover in the night.

The blanket has two sides, one soft minky side that is super soft and cosy which is warmer, and a satiny soft side made from bamboo which is cooler.
As someone who has hot and cold days due to medication, this to me is a massive plus in a blanket. Plus this is perfect for summer and winter! A complete all season blanket.
The cover and blanket itself are both very high quality as are the stitching and fabrics.

The blanket is hypoallergenic and is filled with non-toxic micro-glass beads, whereas some companies use plastic beads which are uncomfortable and can get hot. The cover is machine washable and you can hand wash the blanket itself. Obviously the blanket is very heavy so they shouldn’t go in the washing machine as they could damage it.

From the first night, I can honestly say I slept better and what felt like a much deeper sleep.
I sleep a long time due to my chronic fatigue plus the side effects of the painkillers, and I found I would also sleep longer without getting up to use the bathroom. I used to get up 4-6 times a night but now with the blanket, I get up at most twice in the night. This is a massive difference!

The first night the blanket felt quite heavy and a little restrictive, but you get used to it and that feeling faded after just a few hours. After a few nights, your body gets used to the weight and it doesn’t feel very heavy anymore.
Some people describe it as a hug, I myself describe it as a very cosy feeling. You feel secure, cosy and comfortable. If you are stressed or have anxiety it really seems to make a difference! I felt much calmer at night under the blanket.
The blanket is warmer than a regular blanket so I would recommend the satiny side if you get warm easily.
I have had some amazing nights sleep and love this blanket so much!

As you may know I don’t live alone, so I let them use it for a few nights as they suffer very high stress and being generally fidgety all night. I wanted to know their experience with it too.
The first night they sleep very bad and couldn’t get to sleep easily. It seems that this is quite common so they tried again. The second night they said that they had the best sleep they have ever had! This continued for the rest of the days they tried the blanket and now they want their own!
Their stress levels were much better and even though they had been under pressure at work and having high-stress levels all day, at night that faded and they slept like a baby completely stress-free. They said they also tossed and turned less and slept through the night without waking up.

That is two very different people who have both have had brilliant results with the blanket.
I can recommend this blanket highly to everyone! It is a very high-quality blanket that will last you a long time plus it comes with a super soft double-sided cover so you can use it year-round.

You can buy the Koala weighted blanket on the Kalm Koala website. You can also buy extra covers if you like to have a spare. Prices vary depending on the size and weight you choose, and there is free delivery on all orders.
Koala also offers a 30 Night Guarantee so you have nothing to lose and lots to gain from trying this wonderful weighted blanket.

Koala Weighted Blanket

Disclaimer: I was gifted this item in exchange for an honest, unbiased review. The review is completely unbiased and is 100% my own honest opinion.

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