Twitter Support Are Horrendous!

Massive update 9th May 2021

It has been about 2 years 4 months but finally after about 400 forms filled in, hundreds of emails, 3 tickets, being asked the same thing 30 times, THEY FIXED IT! Horrific support, but it’s finally fixed! Hopefully for good fingers crossed

This is not related to my health, but it is the Twitter account that I use to tweet from which is @chronicheather.

I’ve had my Twitter account many years now, and now it has multiple bugs.
They once updated the features on Twitter but my account didn’t get the changes correctly and it broke lots of features and has bugs all over, which I have screenshot proof of and which Twitter acknowledged is a bug.. So it doesn’t work right and I can’t use numerous features!
My account still has an old option in settings that no other account has. This is part of why it is bugged for sure.

Over 2 years now of trying to get the bug fixed where I fill forms in endlessly every few days as they don’t read them and filling one form in means you will NEVER get a reply, all in the hopes of getting a ticket raised and get a human reply but it is almost impossible!

Takes months to get it escalated to a bug and then they say someone will fix it but instead they close the ticket and ignore you. Opening a new ticket means you have to go through everything all over again as they don’t read previous tickets and it takes months to get it escalated yet again.

You fill forms in but no one EVER replies and if you are lucky to get a reply, which I have once a year for 2 years from filling forms in every few days. ONCE A YEAR!
If you get a reply, they acknowledge it is a bug and say someone will fix it and I can reply to the ticket if anymore info, but I can’t as they close it shortly after! TWICE this has happened! Ticket that takes me a year to get opened, gets closed and my account not fixed.

First reply took over a year of trying to get a reply by filling forms in.
They took lots of info and agreed it is a bug. Said someone would contact me if needed and I can reply when I want.
I emailed after a while to check the status. It auto replied says ticket closed and you can’t reply back.
I then spent another 6 months trying to get another reply by filling forms in every few days.
I kept messaging @twittersupport on Twitter all the time over the years and magically they once replied on the second year and got them to reply to my ticket, but it was just a bot copying and pasting a link to an unrelated help page! This was the only time @twittersupport ever replied to me over these 2 years and some of messaging them.

Eventually someone replied to one of my forms, a long time later and took all the info I gave the first time and all the screenshots all over again for them to say yes it’s a bug again. They again said someone would fix it. They never read read the previous ticket, you have to give all the info all over again!
I replied back to make sure I kept this ticket alive but they closed this too.
I even had said, please don’t close the ticket, it took me 2 years to get a reply to this.

Over 2 years trying to get bugs fixed and they just ignore your “forms” and once they close a ticket you can’t reply anymore.
Agreeing it’s a bug but then just closing the ticket makes no sense!
They know it is a bug, I sent hundreds of screenshots and detailed information just to be ignored.

As I’m housebound and disabled, Twitter is one of my only forms of contact with the outside world and my account is broke with bugs but I can’t get them fixed as the support is horrendous.
Filling in these forms literally hurts and causes me major fatigue issues due to chronic pain and chronic fatigue. I can’t take all this much longer. Over 2 years and I guess another year soon as they won’t reply again to all the forms I keep filling in and it takes a year to get a reply

I know they are a huge company but when twice they agree the account has bugs and is broken, but they fail to fix it and close the ticket twice, surely this is just ridiculous?

Broken account, screenshots prove it, they agree it is a bug and say someone will fix it, but instead TWICE IN 2 YEARS, they closed it instead and didn’t fix it.
I must have sent 500 forms a year to get a reply and I am lucky if I get one.

Both times I got a reply I had to go through everything again as they wouldn’t read the previous ticket! This takes months more waiting for replies.
Eventually they close the ticket and here I am with a broken again still and Twitter support impossible to contact

Please if anyone can help by contacting them if you know any staff, please do. Please help me try to get this fixed.

This is not related to my health, but it is the Twitter account that I use to tweet from which is @chronicheather.

I’ve had my Twitter account many years now.
They once updated the features on Twitter but my account didn’t get the changes correctly and it broke lots of features and has bugs all over, which I have screenshot proof of and which Twitter acknowledged is a bug.. So it doesn’t work right and I can’t use numerous features!

Over 2 years now of trying to get the bug fixed where I fill forms in endlessly every few days as they don’t read them and filling one form in means you will NEVER get a reply, all in the hopes of getting a ticket raised and get a human reply but it is almost impossible!

You fill forms in but no one EVER replies and if you are lucky to get a reply, which I have once a year for 2 years from filling forms in every few days. ONCE A YEAR!
If you get a reply, they acknowledge it is a bug and say someone will fix it and I can reply to the ticket if anymore info, but I can’t as they close it shortly after! TWICE this has happened! Ticket that takes me a year to get opened, gets closed and my account not fixed.

First reply took over a year of trying to get a reply by filling forms in.
They took lots of info and agreed it is a bug. Said someone would contact me if needed and I can reply when I want.
I emailed after a while to check the status. It auto replied says ticket closed and you can’t reply back.
I then spent 6 months trying to get another reply by filling forms in every few days.
Many months later, @twittersupport on Twitter got them to reply but it was just a bot copying and pasting a link to an unrelated help page! This was the only time @twittersupport ever replied to me over these 2 years and some of messaging them.

Eventually someone replied to one of my forms, a long time later and took all the info I gave the first time and all the screenshots all over again for them to say yes it’s a bug again. They again said someone would fix it. They never read read the previous ticket, you have to give all the info all over again!
I replied back to make sure I kept this ticket alive but they closed this too.
I even had said, please don’t close the ticket, it took me 2 years to get a reply to this.

Over 2 years trying to get bugs fixed and they just ignore your “forms” and once they close a ticket you can’t reply anymore.
Agreeing it’s a bug but then just closing the ticket makes no sense!
They know it is a bug, I sent hundreds of screenshots and detailed information just to be ignored.

As I’m housebound and disabled, Twitter is one of my only forms of contact with the outside world and my account is broke with bugs but I can’t get them fixed as the support is horrendous.
Filling in these forms literally hurts and causes me major fatigue issues due to chronic pain and chronic fatigue. I can’t take all this much longer. Over 2 years and I guess another year soon as they won’t reply again to all the forms I keep filling in and it takes a year to get a reply

I know they are a huge company but when twice they agree the account has bugs and is broken, but they fail to fix it and close the ticket twice, surely this is just ridiculous?

Broken account, screenshots prove it, they agree it is a bug and say someone will fix it, but instead TWICE IN 2 OVER YEARS, they closed it instead and didn’t fix it.
I must have sent 500 forms a year to get a reply and I am lucky if I get one.

Both times I got a reply I had to go through everything again as they wouldn’t read the previous ticket! This takes months more waiting for replies.
Eventually they close the ticket and here I am with a broken again still and Twitter support impossible to contact

Please if anyone can help by contacting them if you know any staff, please do. Please help me try to get this fixed.

Here are some of the replies so you can see how long this has been going on and also you can see they link to the wrong support page on the closed ticket reply, saying @support when it is @twittersupport. Shows the lack of attention.

Twitter Support 1
Twitter Support 2
Twitter Support 3
Twitter Support 4

Last ticket was closed in March, just a few days after they said they would get the bug fixed as above. This is after I had said, please don’t close the ticket as I have been trying over 2 years to get it fixed. They ignored that and closed it anyway.
Clearly it never gets logged as a bug even though they say it has otherwise after that has been said twice in 2 years, it would have got fixed by now so clearly they just lie or the dev team are horrendous and just ignore it. Who knows.

Ongoing update for 3rd ticket (updated 6/5/21)

I had a ticket number for a ticket that was opened alongside the last one for some reason, probably because I filled hundreds of forms in to get a reply.
No one ever replied to the ticket.
I replied every day since the last ticket got closed, and someone eventually replied asking for what device is what even though I had said all.
I replied then eventually got another email ignoring what I wrote again asking for screenshots. I sent them and said I had sent them already many times and gave ticket numbers from the tickets where they said it would get fixed and it was logged as a bug.
Then they asked again if it was an app even though I had given devices multiple times. I said I have tried numerous devices, Windows and iOS and numerous browsers on each. Said it was confirmed a bug as I had gone through this many times and gave the ticket numbers yet again.
No one replied.
I chased it. Got a reply saying reinstall the app… This shows how they do not read a thing you say!
I replied again and they failed to reply. I chased again 5 times in total and they replied “Please confirm that you’ve followed our instructions so we know if further assistance is needed”. This proves they don’t read a thing.
They then asked “It would help us determine next steps if you’re able to confirm that the issue persists after reinstalling the app or logging in and out of Twitter. Please try it again and let us know how it goes.” Yes they asked again if I had reinstalled the app even though the first email I said it is all devices and told the everything I had done.
They then asked for screenshots and a video. Remember I sent photos about 100 times in emails from the 3 tickets and 20 times in this ticket alone.

They are absolutely horrible. Worst support. They ignore anything you write and don’t read what you send. It is ridiculous. Any other company would read the previous tickets!

It will end up the same no doubt. They will probably say the same as before “it is a bug, someone will fix it, you can reply to this ticket” like the last 2 times, but then they close the ticket instead and it never gets fixed.
I will update when I get any info.

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