NICE Barbaric Chronic Pain Guidelines Published

NICE Barbaric Chronic Pain Guidelines Published

Remember last year I was urging you to contact NICE about the draft chronic pain guidelines?Here, here and here are the postsWell they published them now and they are pretty much the same! These are the guidelines the give to all doctors. No painkillers of any kind for chronic pain! None!No tens or other electrical … Read more

Chronic Pain Is Not All The Same

Chronic Pain Is Not All The Same

One thing that a lot of people seem to not realise is that pain levels vary between people and severities in chronic pain. Just because you have chronic pain and so does the next person, that doesn’t mean your pain is the same as theirs! Pain levels vary dramatically.You can have chronic pain and it … Read more

Last Chance! Give Feedback To NICE Regarding Chronic Pain Guidelines

Last Chance! Give Feedback To NICE Regarding Chronic Pain Guidelines

This is your last chance to give your feedback using the comments form on the NICE website regarding the upcoming chronic pain guidelines that doctors will use for prescribing medication and treatment for chronic pain. You have until 5pm Monday 14th September 2020 to fill it in so do it now. These guidelines remove ALL … Read more

Urgent! Contact NICE Regarding Removal Of Painkillers For Chronic Pain

Urgent! Contact NICE Regarding Removal Of Painkillers For Chronic Pain

If you have read the draft NICE Chronic Pain guidelines or my article about them and are affected or against this upcoming policy regarding removal of painkillers for chronic pain, you need to take action now and send your comments to NICE before the policy goes live!Anyone can leave comments and you only have until … Read more

NICE Telling Doctors Not To Prescribe Opioids For Chronic Pain

NICE Telling Doctors Not To Prescribe Opioids For Chronic Pain

Please take action by giving your feedback to NICE before 5pm 14th September 2020. NICE (who give guidance to the NHS which doctors follow) are reviewing the guidelines for chronic pain and making it worse yet again for us. They are now advising against the use of all painkillers and most medications in draft guidelines!They … Read more

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