YuYu Hot Water Bottle Review

I have wanted a long hot water bottle for quite a while as due to my chronic pain, I am in pain all the time and I find that hot water bottles are great for taking the edge of the pain as well as reduce inflammation, but they are small and don’t hold in place. The YuYu bottle solves these issues.

I was sent a YuYu hot water bottle to try out and I have to say I am in love with it. I have used hot water bottles for many years, year-round to help my chronic pain, and also for warmth in the colder months due to living in a cold house.
I struggle every day with my chronic pain and anything that can ease the pain a little, makes a huge difference. Hot water bottles are one of my must-haves for chronic pain. If I had to recommend only one item to someone with chronic pain, it would be a hot water bottle.
Since trying the YuYu bottle, I would recommend these over a regular one to anyone with chronic pain.

YuYu Bottle

The difference with a YuYu bottle and a regular hot water bottle is that YuYu bottle is a narrower long hot water bottle that you can wrap around you and tie it in place so it doesn’t move around, leaving you free to move around as you wish with the bottle staying in place! Plus no cables as it is not electric so you can go further around the house than you would if you were connected to a wall.

With a regular hot water bottle, you have to just put it behind you in a chair and hope it doesn’t move. Often the slightest movement and it moves out of the place you need it. I also find my arms hurt trying to reach around me to put a regular one in place and it frequently moves from where you want it. This holds in place perfectly!
They are great for everyone but especially good for those of us with chronic illnesses as lots of us have severe pain as we can use the bottles to help ease the pain rather than just for keeping warm!

YuYu were the first to make a long hot water bottle and they have lots of different designs in their online shop.
YuYu have a collection specifically designed for those of us with chronic illnesses called the ‘White Label Collection’, which has slightly different dimensions (75cm x 15cm) than their other designs which was designed to cover a larger area which is perfect for your back!

I chose the leopard print as I love animal print. The cover is very pretty and incredibly soft. I absolutely love it!
The case also features a little pocket which you can see on the photo above. It is designed so you can put in a piece of cloth or a handkerchief with some essential oils or a sprig of fresh herbs such as lavender, that will release the scent as they get warm. This is a very unique feature!

I can sit down while watching TV or using my laptop with it on (I even have it on right now while writing this). I can get up and move and it keeps in place perfect.
I love it and use it not only around my waist on my back but also around my neck and shoulders. You can use it anywhere you need it, with or without the straps.

You fill it up about 2/3 of the bottle and expel the air before putting the stopped in.
You don’t need to use more water with them than a regular hot water bottle as even though they are longer they still use under 1 litre, so filling up the kettle once is sufficient.
It stays hot for a few hours and I find as I mainly use it for my back, that it stays warm even longer due to having clothes over it and I usually keep a robe/dressing gown on me in the house.

You can also use your YuYu bottle cold which is a brilliant idea! For me, heat is much better for my pain but this will be so useful to many people. You fill the bottle 2/3 with tap water, expel the air and put the stopper in then fold it in half or roll it up and put it in the freezer for a maximum of 2 hours so it doesn’t damage the rubber.

I am in love with this hot water bottle as it is so much better than a regular one. I am sure once you try one, you will think the same.
If you have pain, to me these are a must-have but even if you don’t and just want to keep warm, I highly recommend it to everyone!

Prices for the White Label Collection start at £25, and there are many other collections with different designs and fabrics.
It is a good price and you can also buy accessories for your bottle on their online store such as different covers and new stoppers.
You can check out their website at YuYu bottle.

YuYu Bottle

Disclaimer: I was gifted this item in exchange for an honest, unbiased review. The review is completely unbiased and is 100% my own honest opinion.

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