Please Sign And Share A Disability Benefit UK Government Petition

Please Sign And Share A Disability Benefit UK Government Petition

If you read my blog or Twitter, you will know that I can’t get ESA due to not having paid enough National Insurance Contributions due to having worked part time before being unable to work anymore, which was below the hours needed to pay NI contributions. By pushing myself to work as long as I … Read more

Supermarkets Breaking The Equality Act With Deliveries

Supermarkets Breaking The Equality Act With Deliveries

I have had numerous issues with supermarket deliveries with drivers not helping with unpacking crates which I am unable to unpack due to disabilities which breaks the equality act. For people like myself who are can’t bend down and can’t stand more than a few minutes, means I am unable to unpack crates at all. … Read more

Chronic Pain Is Not All The Same

Chronic Pain Is Not All The Same

One thing that a lot of people seem to not realise is that pain levels vary between people and severities in chronic pain. Just because you have chronic pain and so does the next person, that doesn’t mean your pain is the same as theirs! Pain levels vary dramatically.You can have chronic pain and it … Read more

Last Chance! Give Feedback To NICE Regarding Chronic Pain Guidelines

Last Chance! Give Feedback To NICE Regarding Chronic Pain Guidelines

This is your last chance to give your feedback using the comments form on the NICE website regarding the upcoming chronic pain guidelines that doctors will use for prescribing medication and treatment for chronic pain. You have until 5pm Monday 14th September 2020 to fill it in so do it now. These guidelines remove ALL … Read more

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