Fentanyl Patch Change Plus Migraine Medication

Fentanyl Patch Change Plus Migraine Medication

Going back to changing my Fentanyl patch every 48 hours.I was still getting withdrawal between patches at 60 hours, not anywhere near as bad as at 72 hours but still was there. I tried 48 hour intervals last year and had some issues. I am trying 48 hours yet again due to the fact that … Read more

Government Support? What Support?!

Government Support What Support !

I thought I would go through that support I get from the government as I think some will be shocked because I know I am. I can’t work due to my disabilities and I claim PIP due to the severity of my chronic illnesses.I “don’t qualify” for Universal Credit nor ESA! I have checked on … Read more

What Are My Conditions?

What Are My Conditions

I have written a detailed blog page listing all my conditions and more importantly how the affect me. I have chronic pain, chronic fatigue, hidradentis suppurativa, migraines, perforated septum and acid reflux and this page will give you more information on these conditions.About Me

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