What Are My Conditions?

What Are My Conditions

I have written a detailed blog page listing all my conditions and more importantly how the affect me. I have chronic pain, chronic fatigue, hidradentis suppurativa, migraines, perforated septum and acid reflux and this page will give you more information on these conditions.About Me

Shocking NHS Pain Clinic Doctor Lies!

Shocking NHS Pain Clinic Doctor Lies!

I went to the pain clinic the other week after years of waiting due to a previous person failing to do the referral.As I get chills between patches he gave me Clonidine for the “mild withdrawal” which he gave me at the start of the conversation. He said there isn’t much else to try as … Read more

Jaw Getting Better

Jaw Getting Better

Thankfully the jaw clicking seems to be getting a bit better. Hope I haven’t spoken too soon! For the chronic pain I am sticking at 50mcg Fentanyl (Matrifen) patches. Least I can think on them more than a higher dose which works better but I can’t concentrate. I am still very tired but least I … Read more

Back Down I Go

Back Down I Go

Well I had to see my doctor before my scheduled appointment due to the horrible side effects on 75mcg, even though the pain relief was a bit better than the 50mcg. Going down to 2 patches equalling 62mg. I was still in a lot of pain at 50mcg and very tired still so not sure … Read more

Can’t Keep Awake

Can’t Keep Awake

Since increasing to 75mcg Fentanyl patches I have noticed I am much more tired. I was tired on the 50mcg but not like this. I slept for over 10 hours, woke up and wanted to sleep again. Ended up falling asleep downstairs a few hours later. I was super hot for the first few days … Read more

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