What Was Normal?

What Was Normal

I was trying to work out how different I feel on medication to how I was before I started any. I had been on so many different medications that did nothing but give me side effects before I was put on the Fentanyl that helps the pain a bit with the least side effects so … Read more

Back From The Dermatologist

Back From The Dermatologist

I told the dermatologist my concerns about having oral medication that affects your immune system for my hidradenitis suppurativa whilst currently trialling pain medication plus having chronic fatigue, as I know dapsone is not that effective for HS plus makes you tired and can give you aches and pains.He agreed it can make me more … Read more



I have my dermatologist appointment tomorrow for my skin condition Hidradenitis Suppurativa which has no cure. I have tried lots and nothing works. There is Humira which is the only treatment proven to do anything which is weekly injections but they can’t prescribe it, I would have to go to another city every week for … Read more

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