Urgent! Contact NICE Regarding Removal Of Painkillers For Chronic Pain

Urgent! Contact NICE Regarding Removal Of Painkillers For Chronic Pain

If you have read the draft NICE Chronic Pain guidelines or my article about them and are affected or against this upcoming policy regarding removal of painkillers for chronic pain, you need to take action now and send your comments to NICE before the policy goes live!Anyone can leave comments and you only have until … Read more

After Fentanyl There Is Nothing For My Chronic Pain On The NHS

After Fentanyl There Is Nothing For My Chronic Pain On The NHS

I recently spoke to my doctor for my 3 weekly review. I told him that the withdrawal is starting up again even at changing the patches every 48 hours (I was getting withdrawal previously around 50-52 hours). I sometimes feel it starting before I change my patch or most usually it starts about 30 mins … Read more

Why Chronic Pain Plus Chronic Fatigue And Not Fibromyalgia?

Why Chronic Pain Plus Chronic Fatigue And Not Fibromyalgia

I initially wondered why I wasn’t diagnosed with Fibromyalgia seeing as I have chronic pain plus chronic fatigue, but there are some differences as to why it isn’t Fibromyalgia. I have suffered from severe pain for decades and only got a diagnosis in the last few years which was diagnosed as just “chronic pain” as … Read more

Fentanyl Patch Change Plus Migraine Medication

Fentanyl Patch Change Plus Migraine Medication

Going back to changing my Fentanyl patch every 48 hours.I was still getting withdrawal between patches at 60 hours, not anywhere near as bad as at 72 hours but still was there. I tried 48 hour intervals last year and had some issues. I am trying 48 hours yet again due to the fact that … Read more

60 Hour Interval Progress

60 Hour Interval Progress

Had my telephone appointment with my doctor this morning to see how I was getting on with the patches at 60 hours. I thought I would update here at the same time Basically the chills and sweats the night before I placed my patch at 72 hours has pretty much gone, although when I change … Read more

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