Which Benefits And Discounts I Cannot Get And Why

When people read that I get just over £300 a month total income from a disability benefit, many people often think you aren’t claiming all you can and they reply and tell you about other benefits or extra discounts you can get. When I reply that I am not eligible, some people don’t understand you not being eligible as people assume if you are disabled and housebound that you just get any benefit for disabled people but it doesn’t work like that! You have to qualify AND also fulfil specific requirements.
You can find the requirements clearly written on the GOV.uk website and also on any benefit checker website such as turn2us.

I sadly am claiming all I can which is just PIP as I don’t qualify for anything else. This is why I get just over £300 a month total income. It isn’t by choice! I spent years speaking to DWP, my MP, even parliament multiple times as I am getting too little to live off, but they won’t change rules for one person. It is the same for everyone (well unless you are a Tory and have Tory friends in high places..)

This is why I struggle so much, why the boiler is still broken, why the gutter still needs replacing, why I can’t get my painkillers that helps so much but aren’t on the NHS. This is why I can’t afford anything, not even a powerchair to help me get out and get freedom.
I don’t even get free prescriptions or dental care.

Here are a the discounts disabled people can get and why I can’t get them:

Discount:Why I am not eligible:
Warm HomeI don’t have Pension Credit for the core group nor have the required benefits for the broader group
Cold Weather PaymentI don’t have any of the required benefits.
Winter fuel paymentThis is only for people born on or before 5 October 1954
Free prescriptions I don’t have any of the required benefits.
Free dental care I don’t have any of the required benefits.

While I am at it, here are the benefits I can’t get and why:

Benefit:Why I am not eligible:
ESAI haven’t paid enough national insurance as I worked part time for as long as I could before being completely unable to work at all. That worked against me and now I have to wait until I have years of NI credits before I can claim.
Universal CreditI share this house with someone else as it is impossible to afford rent anywhere on £300 a month total income, so their income gets taken into account. Unless I can provide a tenancy agreement which I can’t as I can’t afford rent. Catch 22 situation.
Housing BenefitThis is being replaced with Universal Credit which I do not qualify for.

So I hope this helps clear things up for anyone wondering why I live on as little as I do. I have it in the FAQ too which is worth a read if you have any questions and haven’t checked it out already. I add to it regularly.

If you ever would like to help, you can help in so many ways! Just check out my support me page.
Any help is greatly appreciated. I put lots of hours into the blog & don’t earn from it.

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