Forced To Crowdfund Electric Wheelchair For Independence

Forced To Crowdfund Electric Wheelchair For Independence

As you know, I am housebound and barely ever see outside these four walls, other than for medical appointments. I hate it and being stuck inside is a horrible feeling.I have no freedom. No independence. I had to start a crowdfund for an electric wheelchair (also called a powerchair) as I really need to be … Read more

Can’t Get Flu Vaccine Free on NHS Even Eligible With CFS/ME!

Can't Get Flu Vaccine Free on NHS Even Eligible With CFSME!

Having chronic fatigue (CFS), I should be able to get a free flu vaccine every year but I don’t!Why? Because doctors, nurses and other people read the eligibility but as they don’t see CFS/ME written there, they say you aren’t eligible. YOU ARE!CFS/ME are neurological conditions which DO qualify for a free flu vaccine. The … Read more

Why Is Life So Hard When Chronically Ill And Disabled?

Why Is Life So Hard When Chronically Ill And Disabled?

Every day is such a battle. A battle with health, money and just life. I wake up at 11am with my alarm otherwise I would sleep all day due to chronic fatigue plus the opioids and amitriptyline! I struggle to get up and feel like I haven’t slept even though I have had 11 hours. … Read more

Updates on Rheumatology, MRI, PIP And Crowdfund

Updates on Rheumatology, MRI, PIP And Crowdfund

Recently I have a few updates about rheumatology, MRI, PIP and medical crowdfund. Rheumatology I was seen in Rheumatology again due to my abnormal autoimmune blood tests. The doctor this time spent 3 minutes total telling me my skin is ok and then took me out of the room while I was still talking to … Read more

Crowdfunding For The Best Painkiller For My Chronic Pain And More

Crowdfunding For The Best Painkiller For My Chronic Pain And More

I have decided to crowdfund via JustGiving for medical cannabis for my severe debilitating 10 out of 10 chronic pain without painkillers (around 8-9 with Fentanyl), migraines and sciatica as it’s impossible for me to afford on £300 a month income when I can’t work and struggle to get by as it is. If you … Read more

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