The Unfair Government

The Unfair Government

Basically in the UK you pay National Insurance Contributions which go towards your pension. Normally disabled people like myself could get credits for being on certain benefits which get marked as you having “paid” that years contributions. Anyway basically I don’t qualify! I worked part time before being unable to work as I could not … Read more

Getting Nowhere

Getting Nowhere

Well after trying increasing the patches to every 48 hours, it got rid of the chills I have starting around 50ish hours, but the “drunk” feeling I have the day after changing my patch was worse and started a few hours of changing the patch instead of the day after. I was very hot all … Read more

Back Down I Go

Back Down I Go

Well I had to see my doctor before my scheduled appointment due to the horrible side effects on 75mcg, even though the pain relief was a bit better than the 50mcg. Going down to 2 patches equalling 62mg. I was still in a lot of pain at 50mcg and very tired still so not sure … Read more

Can’t Keep Awake

Can’t Keep Awake

Since increasing to 75mcg Fentanyl patches I have noticed I am much more tired. I was tired on the 50mcg but not like this. I slept for over 10 hours, woke up and wanted to sleep again. Ended up falling asleep downstairs a few hours later. I was super hot for the first few days … Read more

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