The Extra Discounts I Can’t Get Because I Can’t Get Other Benefits

The Extra Discounts I Can't Get Because I Can't Get Other Benefits

As you know I can’t get ESA or UC so I live on PIP alone which isn’t enough to live on. You can read more about it here.With energy prices going very high (especially gas), the government recently posted they ways they help the vulnerable.Here is the article. It reads like all the vulnerable get … Read more

Updates on Rheumatology, MRI, PIP And Crowdfund

Updates on Rheumatology, MRI, PIP And Crowdfund

Recently I have a few updates about rheumatology, MRI, PIP and medical crowdfund. Rheumatology I was seen in Rheumatology again due to my abnormal autoimmune blood tests. The doctor this time spent 3 minutes total telling me my skin is ok and then took me out of the room while I was still talking to … Read more

Crowdfunding For The Best Painkiller For My Chronic Pain And More

Crowdfunding For The Best Painkiller For My Chronic Pain And More

I have decided to crowdfund via JustGiving for medical cannabis for my severe debilitating 10 out of 10 chronic pain without painkillers (around 8-9 with Fentanyl), migraines and sciatica as it’s impossible for me to afford on £300 a month income when I can’t work and struggle to get by as it is. If you … Read more

My Chronic Life

My Chronic Life

I live with severe pain and fatigue 24/7 due to my Chronic Pain and Chronic Fatigue. I don’t get out of the house other than for doctors appointments due to it being too painful and difficult. I am only in my 30’s and have had all these conditions for decades. Every day is a struggle. … Read more

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