Terrified Of Being Unable To Afford The Heating On In Winter

Terrified Of Being Unable To Afford The Heating On In Winter

As the days pass and you read more and more articles about how expensive everything is getting, I get more and more disheartened and worried about winter as I won’t be able to afford to put the heating on in winter, even though I live in a freezing house that is cold all year round, … Read more

A Plea To The UK Government From A Housebound Disabled Lady

A Plea To The UK Government From A Housebound Disabled Lady

This is a public appeal to the UK Government. As energy prices and food prices shoot sky high, those of us who are disabled and unable to work are getting cheated by the government as we don’t get a penny more and even would have to pay back the money from the recently announced energy … Read more

Cost Of Food And Energy Sky High But Disability Benefits The Same

Cost Of Food And Energy Sky High But Disability Benefits The Same

As you know energy and food prices have risen massively for many things, yet people like myself who are disabled and can’t work get the same amount of money. I still just get the same amount of money I have for multiple years (give or take a few pence as that is all it changes … Read more

Cost Of Living Increasing Massively But Still Get The Same

Cost Of Living Increasing Massively But Still Get The Same

Over the last year and especially over the last few months, prices of essentials has been rapidly increasing. Everything is getting more expensive in England. The majority of price increases have been due to Brexit and prices continue to climb every day. Being chronically ill, disabled, housebound and unable to work, I only live on … Read more

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