A Plea To The UK Government From A Housebound Disabled Lady

A Plea To The UK Government From A Housebound Disabled Lady

This is a public appeal to the UK Government. As energy prices and food prices shoot sky high, those of us who are disabled and unable to work are getting cheated by the government as we don’t get a penny more and even would have to pay back the money from the recently announced energy … Read more

The Farce Trying To Get On The List For Annual Flu Vaccines

The Farce Trying To Get On The List For Annual Flu Vaccines

As you know, I have tried getting a flu vaccine from my GP for many years. I thought I was now on the list with my latest attempt, but apparently not!Here is information about why you are eligible for a flu vaccine free in England if you have CFS/ME and also my experience a bit … Read more

2021 End Of Year Catch up

2021 End Of Year Catch up

I thought I would write a little post with an update about everything that has been happening recently in an end of year update for 2021. Pain My chronic pain has been getting worse and new pains have developed. I now have tendonitis in my foot too. He didn’t look at them so this is … Read more

A Public Plea For Medical Cannabis For Chronic Pain On The NHS

A Public Plea For Medical Cannabis For Chronic Pain On The NHS

My name is Heather and I am writing a public plea to the UK government and NICE to do something so that people like myself can get a legal painkiller (Cannabis) on the NHS.I know that they are very unlikely to read this, but I can only try. To the government and NICE, please change … Read more

Cost Of Living Increasing Massively But Still Get The Same

Cost Of Living Increasing Massively But Still Get The Same

Over the last year and especially over the last few months, prices of essentials has been rapidly increasing. Everything is getting more expensive in England. The majority of price increases have been due to Brexit and prices continue to climb every day. Being chronically ill, disabled, housebound and unable to work, I only live on … Read more

Can’t Get Flu Vaccine Free on NHS Even Eligible With CFS/ME!

Can't Get Flu Vaccine Free on NHS Even Eligible With CFSME!

Having chronic fatigue (CFS), I should be able to get a free flu vaccine every year but I don’t!Why? Because doctors, nurses and other people read the eligibility but as they don’t see CFS/ME written there, they say you aren’t eligible. YOU ARE!CFS/ME are neurological conditions which DO qualify for a free flu vaccine. The … Read more

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